optimism fault-proof背后的机制(五):op-challenger

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optimism fault-proof背后的机制(五):op-challenger


op-challenger 主要负责操作 FDG (Fault Dispute Game),它通过直接使用 Cannon、op-program 等组件来维持整个 FDG 的正常执行

我们将 op-challenger 分为两部分:

  • 监控(monitor):监控游戏进程,并做出相应操作。
  • 执行子任务,如 step、move、upload preimage 等。

监控 (monitor)

monitor 组件负责订阅 L1 上的区块。每当有新的区块生成时,它会检索所有游戏,查看是否需要分配并执行具体操作。


使用 StartMonitoring() 函数启动监控。onNewL1Head() 函数作为回调参数传入 resubscribeFunction(),并最终注册到 eth.WatchHeadChanges 中。
每 10 秒钟检索一次,当检索到新区块后,将该区块的哈希和区块号传入 progressGames() 进行处理。

func (m *gameMonitor) onNewL1Head(ctx context.Context, sig eth.L1BlockRef) {
	if err := m.progressGames(ctx, sig.Hash, sig.Number); err != nil {
		m.logger.Error("Failed to progress games", "err", err)
	if err := m.preimages.Schedule(sig.Hash, sig.Number); err != nil {
		m.logger.Error("Failed to validate large preimages", "err", err)

func (m *gameMonitor) resubscribeFunction() event.ResubscribeErrFunc {
	// The ctx is cancelled as soon as the subscription is returned,
	// but is only used to create the subscription, and does not affect the returned subscription.
	return func(ctx context.Context, err error) (event.Subscription, error) {
		if err != nil {
			m.logger.Warn("resubscribing after failed L1 subscription", "err", err)
		return eth.WatchHeadChanges(ctx, m.l1Source, m.onNewL1Head)

func (m *gameMonitor) StartMonitoring() {
	defer m.runState.Unlock()
	if m.l1HeadsSub != nil {
		return // already started
	m.l1HeadsSub = event.ResubscribeErr(time.Second*10, m.resubscribeFunction())


progressGames 函数在监听到新的区块后执行,其主要作用是获取所有有效的 game,并将这些 game 传入 Schedule 中用于后续的任务派发。需要注意的是,schedule 分为多个类别,如 bondSchedule(用于管理 claim 对应的 bond)和 pre-image schedule(用于上传 pre-image 数据)。我们在这里仅针对最基础的 move 和 step 的 schedule 进行讲解。

func (m *gameMonitor) progressGames(ctx context.Context, blockHash common.Hash, blockNumber uint64) error {
	minGameTimestamp := clock.MinCheckedTimestamp(m.clock, m.gameWindow)
	games, err := m.source.GetGamesAtOrAfter(ctx, blockHash, minGameTimestamp)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to load games: %w", err)
	var gamesToPlay []types.GameMetadata
	for _, game := range games {
		if !m.allowedGame(game.Proxy) {
			m.logger.Debug("Skipping game not on allow list", "game", game.Proxy)
		gamesToPlay = append(gamesToPlay, game)
	if err := m.claimer.Schedule(blockNumber, gamesToPlay); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to schedule bond claims: %w", err)
	if err := m.scheduler.Schedule(gamesToPlay, blockNumber); errors.Is(err, scheduler.ErrBusy) {
		m.logger.Info("Scheduler still busy with previous update")
	} else if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to schedule games: %w", err)
	return nil

schedule() 函数处理接收到的 game,并在 createJob 中判断 game 是否需要新的子操作,然后通过 enqueueJob 函数将所有的子操作添加到 jobQueue 中进行传递。

func (c *coordinator) schedule(ctx context.Context, games []types.GameMetadata, blockNumber uint64) error {
	// Next collect all the jobs to schedule and ensure all games are recorded in the states map.
	// Otherwise, results may start being processed before all games are recorded, resulting in existing
	// data directories potentially being deleted for games that are required.
	for _, game := range games {
		if j, err := c.createJob(ctx, game, blockNumber); err != nil {
			errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("failed to create job for game %v: %w", game.Proxy, err))
		} else if j != nil {
			jobs = append(jobs, *j)
	// Finally, enqueue the jobs
	for _, j := range jobs {
		if err := c.enqueueJob(ctx, j); err != nil {
			errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("failed to enqueue job for game %v: %w", j.addr, err))
	return errors.Join(errs...)


生成 action

当 jobQueue 中出现数据后,需要在 CalculateNextActions() 中将这些子任务信号转化为具体的 action。以 step 操作为例,当 game depth 达到 MaxDepth 时,我们会生成对应 step 的 action。

func (s *GameSolver) CalculateNextActions(ctx context.Context, game types.Game) ([]types.Action, error) {

	var actions []types.Action
	agreedClaims := newHonestClaimTracker()

	for _, claim := range game.Claims() {
		var action *types.Action
		if claim.Depth() == game.MaxDepth() {
			action, err = s.calculateStep(ctx, game, claim, agreedClaims)
		} else {
			action, err = s.calculateMove(ctx, game, claim, agreedClaims)
		if action == nil {
		actions = append(actions, *action)
	return actions, nil

func (s *GameSolver) calculateStep(ctx context.Context, game types.Game, claim types.Claim, agreedClaims *honestClaimTracker) (*types.Action, error) {
	if claim.CounteredBy != (common.Address{}) {
		return nil, nil
	step, err := s.claimSolver.AttemptStep(ctx, game, claim, agreedClaims)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if step == nil {
		return nil, nil
	return &types.Action{
		Type:        types.ActionTypeStep,
		ParentClaim: step.LeafClaim,
		IsAttack:    step.IsAttack,
		PreState:    step.PreState,
		ProofData:   step.ProofData,
		OracleData:  step.OracleData,
	}, nil

func (s *claimSolver) AttemptStep(ctx context.Context, game types.Game, claim types.Claim, honestClaims *honestClaimTracker) (*StepData, error) {

	preState, proofData, oracleData, err := s.trace.GetStepData(ctx, game, claim, position)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &StepData{
		LeafClaim:  claim,
		IsAttack:   !claimCorrect,
		PreState:   preState,
		ProofData:  proofData,
		OracleData: oracleData,
	}, nil

GetStepData() 函数间接调用了 DoGenerateProof() 函数,启动了 Cannon 以生成 step 所需的 state data 和 proof data。

func (e *Executor) DoGenerateProof(ctx context.Context, dir string, begin uint64, end uint64, extraVmArgs ...string) error {
	args := []string{
		"--input", start,
		"--output", lastGeneratedState,
		"--meta", "",
		"--info-at", "%" + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(e.cfg.InfoFreq), 10),
		"--proof-at", "=" + strconv.FormatUint(end, 10),
		"--proof-fmt", filepath.Join(proofDir, "%d.json.gz"),
		"--snapshot-at", "%" + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(e.cfg.SnapshotFreq), 10),
		"--snapshot-fmt", filepath.Join(snapshotDir, "%d.json.gz"),
	if end < math.MaxUint64 {
		args = append(args, "--stop-at", "="+strconv.FormatUint(end+1, 10))
	if e.cfg.DebugInfo {
		args = append(args, "--debug-info", filepath.Join(dataDir, debugFilename))
	args = append(args, extraVmArgs...)
	args = append(args,
		e.cfg.Server, "--server",
		"--l1", e.cfg.L1,
		"--l1.beacon", e.cfg.L1Beacon,
		"--l2", e.cfg.L2,
		"--datadir", dataDir,
		"--l1.head", e.inputs.L1Head.Hex(),
		"--l2.head", e.inputs.L2Head.Hex(),
		"--l2.outputroot", e.inputs.L2OutputRoot.Hex(),
		"--l2.claim", e.inputs.L2Claim.Hex(),
		"--l2.blocknumber", e.inputs.L2BlockNumber.Text(10),
	err = e.cmdExecutor(ctx, e.logger.New("proof", end), e.cfg.VmBin, args...)
	return err

执行 action

在 PerformAction() 中执行获取到的 action。此函数根据 action 的类别进行判断并执行相应的上链操作:

  • 判断是否需要上传 Pre-image data。
  • 判断操作类型是否为 Attack/Defend。
  • 判断是否为 Step 操作。
  • 判断是否可以从 L2BlockNumber 角度否定 root claim。








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